Become a Host Family

Au pair Program in Australia. 

Hosting an au pair in Sydney

Becoming a host family and hosting an au pair in Sydney, Australia involves meeting specific eligibility criteria outlined by the au pair program.

hosting an au pair in Sydney

Understanding the Au Pair Program: Australia has a well-established au pair program that allows families to host au pairs in Sydney from various countries for cultural exchange and childcare assistance. The program promotes cross-cultural understanding and provides families with flexible and affordable childcare solutions.

Becoming a host family in Australia can be a rewarding experience, offering a unique opportunity to welcome individuals from around the world into your home while providing valuable support for your family’s childcare needs

The following are general eligibility criteria that families in Australia typically need to fulfill:

Minimum Age and Family Composition:

Host families are generally required to have at least one child under the age of 16 living at home. The exact age requirements may vary, but the presence of a child in the household is a common prerequisite.

Residency in Australia:

Host families must be residents of Australia. Some programs may have additional requirements regarding the length of time a family has been living in the country.

Adequate Accommodation:

Families must provide suitable accommodation for the au pair in Sydney. This typically includes a private room, and in some cases, families may be required to provide a private bathroom.

Financial Stability:

Host families should be financially stable to ensure that they can adequately support the au pair in Sydney during their stay. This includes covering the costs of room and board, as well as other living expenses in Sydney.Additionally, they must provide the au pair with pocket money for their personal expenses.

Willingness to Embrace Cultural Exchange:

Host families should be open to cultural exchange and willing to integrate the au pair into their family life. This includes sharing aspects of Australian culture while also being receptive to the au pair’s cultural background.

Commitment to the Au Pair Program:

Families should be committed to the goals and guidelines of the au pair program. This includes providing a supportive and inclusive environment for the au pair and participating in ongoing communication and feedback sessions.

Health and Safety Standards:

Ensuring a safe and healthy living environment for the au pair is essential. Families may be required to meet certain health and safety standards within their home.

Clear Background Checks:

The program requires host families to undergo background checks to ensure the safety and well-being of the au pair.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Becoming a Host Family in Australia

Becoming a host family in  Australia and participating in the au pair program in Sydney involves several steps. Here is a general guide on how to register with our agency and become a host family for an au pair:

1- Contact our Agency:

Reach out to our Au pair agency in Sydney to express your interest in becoming a host family.

2- Application Process:

Complete the host family application provided. This may include providing information about your family, home, information about your family members, daily routines and the type of au pair you are looking for.

3- Discuss Expectations:

Communicate your expectations clearly with our agency. This includes the duties you expect the au pair to perform, the cultural exchange aspects, working hours, and any specific requirements or preferences you may have.

4- Review Au Pair Profiles:

Once you are registered with our agency, you will be able to review profiles of screened and available au pairs. Consider factors such as the au pair’s experience, language skills, and cultural background when making a decision.

5- Match with an Au Pair:

After reviewing profiles and possibly conducting interviews, choose an au pair that you believe would be a good fit for your family.

6- Welcome the Au Pair:

Once a match is made, welcome the au pair into your home. Provide them with an orientation to your family, home, and local community.

7- Ongoing Communication:

Maintain open communication with the au pair throughout their stay. Discuss any issues or concerns promptly and encourage a positive and collaborative environment.